
Utilizing Green Energy Today

Posted by Russ Steele on Jan 23rd 2025

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May 23rd, 2017

Utilizing Green Energy Today

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Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way!

Most people on the planet would agree that we should utilize green energy since the technology is there and the resources are plentiful. But yet we hear stories on failed green energy companies which concerns us.

The reality is that Mechanical Electrical Systems, Inc (MES) can deliver a terrific green energy solution that is scalable from the size of a single home to a large manufacturing facility. The key is in working with a company that has the expertise to deliver the desired results.

MES has patented and proven BLINKLESSⓇ technology which was developed and patented by their sister company Blinkless Power Equipment, LLC. This technology utilizes Lithium-Ion batteries and is capable of hooking to the electrical grid as well as wind, solar, etc. BLINKLESSⓇ operates the equipment at the optimum efficiency by automatically utilizing the least costly power source.

We build the system to your specific needs. Imagine a new subdivision, hotel, or apartment building implementing this technology. The shared savings would be dramatic for the home or business owners! Well, MES can do this and the opportunities are endless.

Typical return on investment (ROI) is 10 years or less and in many cases it’s less than 5 years!

So, if you have questions or would just like more information or a quote, please visit MES Website or give us a call at 317-844-7328

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