
Integration/ Field Service


Call now for a quote! 317-844-7328

Product Integration

In-field Retrofits

With our 38+ years as a company of product integration experience, we deliver ease of customization, expert service post-sale, and at a competitive price point. As a result, this is what differentiates us from our competition. our panels are built by Electrical Engineers who pay meticulous attention to detail.

We routinely do in-field retrofits for our customers nationwide. This affords us the experience to handle most any situation with relative ease. Our current applications of our UL panel shop include industries like: plastic film, paper and corrugated, automotive/diesel test, liquid-solid separation, alternative energy, centrifuge, air compressor, converting, crane and hoist, HVAC, hybrid vehicles, metals, papers, plastics, stamping, test stands, textiles, water treatment, wire, and printing.

When looking for a company to handle your needs, we encourage you to take a deeper look and see who will be doing the work. What you get from MES is an Electrical Engineer who knows to take a deeper look and not just provide what you ask for but also offer suggested improvements to minimize downtime, reduce frustrations, and improve efficiency. Therefore, call us today to discuss your needs!


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