


Photo:    BLINKLESS® Mobile Hybrid Power Trailer Light 


Photo:     BLINKLESS® Mobile Hybrid Power Trailer Heavy with on board generator 

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 BLINKLESS® Grid Synchronization Technology

We rely on the utility grid for just about everything in this day and age.  However, sometimes we need a source of back-up power in less than the blink of an eye.  MicroGrids with Patented BLINKLESS® Grid Synchronization Technology is now available for these critical power situations.

BLINKLESS® Grid Synchronization Development

BLINKLESS® Grid Synchronization was developed to address the need for co-generation and implementation of alternate power sources which allows one to transfer a critical load from grid parallel to standalone operation and offers the ability to re-connect to the utility grid without an interruption in delivered power to the critical load.

Synchronous generators running in parallel with network grids such as the Consolidated Edison grid in New York City can cause problems for the utility due to fault currents.  Typically, approved generators are either induction type or are connected through an inverter.  Our MicroGrid with BLINKLESS®  Grid Synchronization Technology utilizes an inverter-based system. This system is positioned between the power generation unit and the utility grid. This allows a synchronous generator the ability to run parallel to a utility grid. Therefore providing the ability to transfer to standalone operation without a ‘blink’ in the protected load.  Also, by being able to synchronize to the grid while supporting a local load, our MicroGrid with BLINKLESS® Grid Synchronization system can operate in a stand-alone mode using backup power, and the system can re-synchronize and connect to the grid when grid power is restored.

BLINKLESS® Grid Synchronization Design

The MicroGrid with BLINKLESS® Grid Synchronization inverter system is designed to function in either stand-alone, or utility-interactive operation and is designed to manage intentional islanding of the utility interface. All this while continuing to supply power to the customer’s critical electrical loads without an interruption in delivered power.
The BLINKLESS® Grid Synchronization inverter system is both IEEE 519 and IEEE 1547 compliant, and employs the following modes of operation:

    • Normal Start – Grid is providing power to both the normal and critical loads. The system synchronizes its output to the grid then regulates its current output to offset utility demand.
    • Black Start – In the event of utility power loss the system will provide uninterrupted power to critical loads by utilizing renewable power sources and battery backup.
    • Loss of utility power – The BLINKLESS® Grid Synchronization system will switch to renewable sources and backup battery power to provide uninterrupted power to the customer’s critical loads.  When utility power is restored the system will automatically synchronize and reconnect to the grid.

After the utility power has returned and a 5 minute grid stabilization delay, the MicroGrid with BLINKLESS® Grid Synchronization system will automatically synchronize its output to the grid and close the main breaker.  The BLINKLESS® Grid Synchronization system then regulates its current output. This reduces your power bill by storing electricity when rates are low and powering your home when rates are high.

Check out our Blinkless White Paper for more information!



BLINKLESS® Mobile Hybrid Power Trailer Heavy Power Electronics